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Bringing Revival to the Nations

BRN Ministries

For years, Barry & Rachel Netherton have felt the call of God to serve the Kingdom in full-time ministry work. Patiently waiting while being formed in the crucible of the fire of God, and diligently seeking to be led by the Holy Spirit, they finally took the step of faith to cross over the proverbial river and pursue the will of the Lord for their lives. Beginning in 2023, Barry and Rachel have rebranded their already successful non-profit into two sectors, BRN being more focused on teaching the Word of God and administering spiritual impartation from their personal ministry.

Bringing Revival to the Nations

BRN is dynamic in its approach to evangelism with a prophetic edge. The vision for ministry which Barry has received from the Lord is to see believers in Jesus unified from among all nations and cultures, breaking down the walls of denominational boundaries, seeking to labor together in genuine love through the bond of peace. Barry has a deep desire to see the world embrace the prophetic nature of the Scriptures and experience true intimacy with the Holy Spirit. In addition to itinerant preaching and international missionary work, Barry currently serves as associate pastor at Faithlift Family Church in Kentucky and offers an extensive library of teaching resources available for purchase from this website, as well as printed and recorded materials that may be added to your church’s bookstore upon request.

Reaching and Teaching

In 2022, we began hosting the monthly Burn Night meetings, urging established local churches to gather together for the unified purpose of seeking the face of God in prayer and worship. Each Burn Night event has been unique with a theme planned only by the Holy Spirit. The intentional vision of these meetings is to arrive with no agenda other than to encounter the presence of God. Protocols are communicated for the sake of order, and then the meeting flows in line with what God wants to do in that gathering. We’ve seen families restored, backsliders repent, the oppressed set free, the faithful revitalized, and the moving of the gifts of the Spirit with prophetic utterances and tongues with interpretations. Attendees have been known to travel from 80 miles apart to join in the fellowship of the Spirit, taking the fires of revival back to their own churches and ministries. Burn Night is all about building up one another. You will have to experience it for yourself to fully capture the vision of this movement that is ushering in the Great End-Time Revival. Clips and live streams of gatherings can be viewed on Facebook and YouTube.

Rachel is a gifted artist and author, producing paintings from the visions she receives during worship, prayer, and under anointed preaching. Having overcome addiction and depression through the power of Jesus Christ, Rachel carries an anointing to minister to the downtrodden on the fringes of society and see captives set free from under the shackles of darkness by the light of the fire of the Lord. Rachel’s catalog of prophetic artwork is also available for purchase to support the work of the ministry.

Networking with the Nethertons

If you would like to schedule Barry and Rachel to come minister to your church or at your event, you may send an email to:

Building the Remnant of Nameless saints...
— BRN Ministries

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