The Ministry of the Word
The Bible is the Word of God. The ultimate goal of God’s plan for our salvation is that we experience the Spirit’s work of sanctification in our lives that we be completely conformed to the image of Christ. Our fleshly nature must be continually crucified and kept under subjection to the Lordship of Jesus Christ - not by the striving work of the same flesh, but by submitting to the power of the Holy Spirit. When we continue in the faith, having abandoned all hope in and of ourselves to please God, and continually rely totally on the Persons of Christ and the Spirit, we will see this transformation of our lives work out supernaturally so that God alone gets all the glory.
The foremost means by which God works this spiritual transformation in our lives is by His Word. The Holy Scriptures (the 66 books containing the Old and New Testaments) have been given to us by divine revelation and sovereignly preserved throughout the ages as the only sufficient, certain, and final authoritative rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience. The Bible even tells us that as faith itself is a gift of God, we receive that gift of faith by hearing His Word.
The early church around the world recognized the Tanakh (39 books of the Hebrew Scriptures, also known as the Old Testament) and the 27 books of the New Testament (the four Gospels & Acts, the Apostolic Letters known as epistles, and the Revelation of Jesus Christ as recorded by John on Patmos) as the Holy Word of God, and compiled them into the orthodox Canon. The English word “Bible” itself comes from a Latinized form of Greek words meaning, a “library” or “collection of books.”
The Bible was not written by any single man. The Scriptures are the very “theopneustos” words breathed by God himself, penned by the hands of over 40 different authors over the course of 4,000 years all containing the same consistent message and pointing to the Person and Work of Jesus Christ as the Creator, Ruler, Savior, and Sustainer of all which exists.
If you are a believer in Jesus, it is paramount for your spiritual health to become personally and intimately acquainted with this Bible.
Our service in this Word
Never Forget The Blood is working on many platforms to promote the knowledge of the Word of God. Our team ministers in churches and in public with strangers encouraging disciples of the Lord Jesus to learn His Word for their own selves. It has taken the blood of martyrs to make this Book available in the hands and understanding of the common man (as intended by God).
Even in the 21st Century, the Bible still remains illegal or banned in many nations, and there are many cults and cultish groups around the world who bind the full message of this Word either by cunning deceit, deceptive delusion, or the impotency of religious traditions. The enemy of our souls is very subtle and crafty, and he is aware that if he cannot keep this Word from your hands, he can endeavor to prevent this Word from taking root in your heart by either keeping you from searching it, or by using his own ministers in masquerade to twist the Truth of God into a lie and thus keep you in religious bondage thereby. But Christ came to destroy these works of the devil and therefore it is the duty of the Church abroad to expose these works. Such is the service of Never Forget The Blood’s sub motto, “freeing you from religious bondage by reminding you of the simple Gospel.”
Watch Public Bible Readings Here!
Since the Spring of 2021, we have been gathering together with members and leaders of local churches from various denominational backgrounds to declare the message of this Bible in the open air in the public square. Since stepping out in obedient faith, we have been receiving many precious testimonies of blessing and breaking of curses by simply reading aloud the Written Word.
If you ever wish to participate in this labor of love, simply fill out the contact form on our “GO” section.
Sharing the Word
You can partner with our international mission work by getting the very Word of God into the hands of new converts. Many of the people we minister to around the world cannot read or write even in their own languages, but they are still hungry to learn as much as they can about the Living Savior they have come to know. Even many pastors in some of the most impoverished areas around the world do not even have their own copy of the Bible to study and preach from.
That is why Never Forget the Blood is accepting donations to distribute weather-resistant rechargeable Audio Bibles into the hands of the illiterate, and hardback Bibles printed in their own native language. You may donate through the links and buttons below.