Fire in the House!
“Fire in the House” by Rachel Morgan Netherton
What a Great God we serve!
What God did a year ago has greatly influenced our marriage relationship and kingdom ministry. Tonight (October 11th, 2022), we got to honor some of the vessels of God who were used of him to make this provision possible. And so we’d like to now share the story with you.
On Saturday August 28th, 2021, at a tent revival hosted by Kingdom Pursuit Ministries (Matthew & Nadine Eckart) and Holy Chapel of God (David & Deb Thompson), the prophetic word of the Lord came to Barry Netherton, a visitor and ‘stranger’ to the gathering. Pastor David and Evangelist Matthew both affirmed the word was suitable to be released to the congregation, and the platform was given to Barry.
The word of the Lord that was burning in Barry’s bones was released, “The Fire has been here all along, its just taken some of you all longer to step into it than others.” He continued, “Me personally [tonight], I felt the fire [of God] fall at 6:42pm, that’s when I looked at my clock. And then word after word after word was delivered through people like this sister here. My friends, our God is an all-consuming fire. Some of you have some things that you need to lay down because some of those things you’ve been holding onto are supposed to be laid on the altar, my friend. Leviticus 6:13 says to never let the fire go out! Some of you all - there’s things - and I don’t know any of you all. I’m a visitor here. I just checked with the order [of authority] of the house [to make sure this was proper to release] Amen? Until you let go - some of these things like bitterness & unforgiveness, you think you’re hiding things from men, but you can’t hide things from God. I’m telling you that you need to lay it down before the Lord tonight. I’m telling you, obeying God has cost me my life. When I said ‘yes’ to Jesus, that’s when I was crucified with him, and you’ll be buried with him in baptism, and you’re raised to new life in the resurrection power of his Holy Spirit. Because - my friends you must realize - the Fire has been here all along; he’s the one who baptizes: Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit and fire. Completely - Baptism means to be completely immersed and overflowing! And I could go on and on, but -”
Evangelist Matthew shouted, “Go on!”
Barry replied, “Well praise God. Hallelujah. Jesus. The all-consuming fire - you just step into it. He already shed his blood. He already rose from the grave. You just step into it. Whatever sins you’re trying to hold onto, just lay it down before him. Whatever you’re holding back - some of you all are called to ministry and you think because you’ve been fed a poverty mentality your whole life [being told] that you’re nothing [and so now] you think you can’t do it. But he says, the same power that raised him from the dead now quickens your mortal body. So say ‘yes’ to Jesus. The grace of God has appeared to us all to teach us - grace is not sloppy - I believe in abundant super-overflowing grace. But that grace has appeared to us all to teach us to say ‘No’ to ungodliness and to live upright holy lives in this present evil age.”
Turning to Evangelist Matthew Barry released the platform, “So brother, however you believe [it’s supposed to go on from here] I’m turning this back to you. I’m done.”
The Spirit of God continued to flow in that meeting and many lives were changed for the glory of God. Barry went home to his wife and children and shared the blessings of which he had partaken that evening.
Rachel saw this vision of the bloodsoaked doorpost the following morning at their own church as their pastor (Glenn Arekion) was preaching on the Passover of Israel. That afternoon at home after church, Rachel was telling Barry of this vision and he was flooded with joy and revelation as his spirit was making connections with the prophetic word that was released the night before. “Rachel,” he said, “That is the very thing God was saying last night! So many people enter in to the house of God, the real family of God, in his spiritual house, and they are safe inside because they are under the Blood of Jesus. And that fire of power and purification is already inside, but they wear a fireman’s coat and guard themselves against the flame because of either fear or ignorance or religious tradition that taught them they’re not supposed to have access to that fire. But God calls himself that very fire which consumes everything. People stop themselves from fully experiencing God the way he wants them to because they are taught by men that they’re not allowed to.”
Rachel responded, “That’s my problem!”
“What do you mean?” Barry asked.
“I’ve been seeking God for the gift of tongues, for the fullness of the power of the Spirit. And I’ve been frustrated because I’m not seeing it. I see you and other people at church walking in this freedom and power, but I feel like I’m still locked in a cage or like I’m a secondary citizen in the Kingdom.”
Barry assured his wife with tears of joy, “You aren’t secondary. And you might be in a cage, but it’s not locked. The gate is wide open. Actually, you’re not even in that cage unless its just imaginary. You are that person who’s already in the house. You just need to step into that fire that’s already there.”
Barry laid hands on his wife and prayed for her to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but he discerned it was not the appointed time for her to experience it, but still encouraged her that some people seek God for weeks or months. She told him how she had felt impressed earlier that day to visit their friend’s church for evening service. Barry immediately responded, “That’s it. We’re going. No question. Everyone get dressed. Mommy’s going to get the Holy Ghost tonight!”
It was that evening, August 29th, 2021, at River of Life Full Gospel Church in West Point, KY where Pastor Tom Jeffery just so happened to preach on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit - completely unbeknownst to Barry or Rachel, but totally ordained and planned by our Father in Heaven. Barry encouraged Rachel to respond to the invitation time of prayer at the end of the message. Pastor Tom and his wife Barbara led Rachel into receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Rachel described the experience like a river stirring in her belly and coming forth like fire out of her mouth. She was filled with ecstatic joy and peace, even bursted forth in laughter.
On the drive home, Barry asked Rachel how she felt, and what her reflection was over what had just happened.
She explained, “Remember how I kept telling you I knew I just needed to get out of my own way? I was the reason that I wasn't able to tap into the living waters of intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Within the first 10 minutes of the service at fire church, the pastor talked about getting out of your own way. Over and over I was poked and prodded with my own convictions and lists of scripture from the preacher and his wife sharing during the prayer time. As soon as they laid hands on me, the waters inside me turned violent and uncontrollable, and suddenly the water exploded up my throat and out of my mouth. It spilled out in words I’d never heard before and with it came all the tears, pleading, worship and praise, and the desire to be close to Him I had been holding on to for years. Suddenly I was able to say all of the things I had wanted to say for so long. I could hear the Holy Spirit like I'd never heard it before. It was like in the Wizard of Oz, going from black and white in Kansas to the technicolor land of mystery and excitement. I was excited and giddy with joy.”
“That’s amazing!” Barry exclaimed.
“But then I got angry.” she said. “I got so angry because I feel like l’ve been cheated for so long. And not just angry for me, but for the countless other people that have been deprived of truly experiencing this deep intimate relationship with God because they don't know any different. They have been forced to eat scraps off the floor of the feast because they have been told that the feast ended when the apostles passed away. It’s like sitting down to Thanksgiving Dinner and being told they just packed everything away when the elders fell asleep after eating. But the reality is that there is more than enough for everyone as long as they know they can come sit down and feast. Why would God remove the food from the table just because the first generation of believers are taking their nap? We need to show people how much God has for them when you come to him and sit at the table and enjoy his full presence. My life, my relationships, my everything will never be the same and I refuse to go back to eating scraps.”
It is our joy to share this painting and this story with you. It is our prayer that you also receive the blessing of the fullness of what is available to you because of what Jesus accomplished by shedding his blood on the cross, bearing your sins in his body and dying, being buried in the tomb, rising again the third day, and ascending to the right hand of the Father to send the Holy Spirit to all who believe and are baptized.